Cause of Death: UNKNOWN

That little word “UNKNOWN” enrages me. It’s difficult to explain why and how much. In fact, I’ve been sitting here trying to find the right words for about an hour.
That little “UNKNOWN” means that several people chose themselves over the truth. It means they chose their career and comfort over YOUR life. It also means that the life of every person cut short by the Pfizer mRNA C19 injection AFTER my daughter was killed, is now blood on their hands.
I am not a doctor. I didn’t play one on TV and I didn’t stay in a Holiday Inn, BUT I have 18 years of beautiful reasons to try and find out WHY and HOW my daughter was killed. What mechanism(s) lead to her death? Why did it take her from me?
But, the cowards at the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office list her cause of Death as “UNKNOWN” officially on her Death Certificate.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present " VITT "
Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia
Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia lists the five definitive diagnostic criteria as:
1. COVID vaccine 4 to 42 days prior to symptom onset
2. Any venous or arterial thrombosis (often cerebral or abdominal)
3. Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150 x 109/L)*
4. Positive PF4 “HIT” (heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) ELISA
5. Markedly elevated D-dimer (> 4 times upper limit of normal)
1. Injections were July 20 and Oct 28. She died Nov 9.2. Multiple instances of “Thrombosis” recorded in records. Ischemic bowel | arterial thrombosis specifically reflects “abdominal” thrombosis qualification.3. The below snapshot from ICU medical records discussing “Severe coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia” Confirms 3.
5. Her D-Dimer was >128,000 which I’m told is “extreme”, but definitely checks off Box 5.
4. I can’t find any reference to PF4 in her medical records or autopsy.I do not believe this test was done when she was dying in the hospital. But, like I said before, I am no doctor. So I reached out to one I trust. Thankfully, My wife and I paid to have our daughter’s blood and tissue samples cryogenically preserved. I am hopeful that this test can still be performed.I will keep you guys informed.*Special thanks to @REKnotdeadyet for the help
A 30 year old women by mine is also unknown she died at home suddenly I have spoken to her father and they sent her heart away but it come back the same so he has buried his daughter who was fit and healthy with cause unknown this is not acceptable I hope you get you say sorry for you loss of your beautiful daughter one thing I will say she will be so proud of what her parents are doing for her never giving up 🙏🏻🔥💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 all my love Kim and family from uk
I am so sorry for your pain and your loss but your love for your daughter is a shining beacon of hope for all who want the truth exposed. Thank you for your tireless efforts. You are valued.
my sister got at least 2 Pfizer shots
I begged her not to citing all that I knew from
holistic doctors and honsest doctors
My one sister lost her ability to walk
she used to walk for hours on the beach daily
she got the neuro problem of legs only working some
of the time and never knowing when they would quit on her
she is housebound and refusing calls. A shell of her fomer self.
My jet setting other sister got Pfizer also at least 2 doses and maybe more
She got a bowel blockage that prevented a colonoscopy, a nose skin cancer and had to have a big chunk taken out of her nose and a graft from her jaw to fill it in, she had sudden high blood pressure in the months after the shot
and last week found out she has a 1 cm breast lump. My sister is healthy not overweight and very very active healthy life style
All these things can come from the shot.